Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Metropolis- Urban Architecture that's moving!

Metropolis by Rob Carter - Last 3 minutes from Rob Carter on Vimeo.

Ever evolving and changing is the world we live in. As clearly demonstrated in my previous post- Nail House. Progress will push at the boundaries of our environments and change them into a new domain. External factors such as economic, social and cultural forces move simultaneously creating permutations to the hardscape that surrounds us. Building form and density push in all directions according to ever shifting parameters.

Whilst going about our lives we often don't notice the changes. If we do notice the small changes, we see them as incremental and perhaps insignificant. On the other hand if viewed over time- well that's something different altogether.

Take a look at the video by Rob Carter- it's amazing! its fantastic portrayal of Urban Design playing out as animation truly shows the effect Architecture and it's built form can have on our modern day Metropolis.

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