Sunday, May 28, 2017

Architecture Through Movies- Movie Architecture

Tron Movie Architecture

A great article about the History of modern architecture through movies. Movies can inspire us to dream about architecture and how it can change our lives. To imagine what our lives would be like within these worlds so futuristic and awe inspiring. The best aspect of movie architecture is the ability to create whole new worlds yet imagined. Check it out via the link HERE.

Movie Architecture 

Rotating House

La casa, que se localiza en el barrio Crace en Canberra, Australia, utiliza un método de construcción parecido al de las casas móviles. #casa #sustentable:
Front elevation of the Rotating House, Kinetic Residential Architecture

This home was appropriately named Girasole, which means to follow the sun- this home does just that !
The name Girasole originates from Italy: gira(re) means “to turn” and sole is the sun. Girasole is also known as the “sunflower”
This 4 bedroom home is built on a steel framed motorised turntable which is controlled by a wall mounted touch screen panel. Rotation of the home can be automatically synchronized to follow the sun or manually driven to suit the home owner’s needs. Capture the outlook to suit the time of day or indeed the season.
An innovative project brought to life in the ACT by a visionary team at MAG Constructions and DNA Architects

The Girasole is supported by 28 wheels – 22 x 2.5-tonne capacity on the outer frame plus 6 x 5-tonne wheels for centre support. Driven by two motors situated on opposite sides of the house. This enables the house to Continuously rotate, limited only by service connections. Rotate from one side to the opposite direction in 10 minutes. The house can also rotate with the sun, or indeed in the opposite direction or even remain stationary.
Girasole House Plan
Floor Plan of the Girasole House