A house is essentially shelter to protect us from our local environments. Yet the way they often look are not directly related as a response to the environment- often they are representations of what we find familiar or what we aspire to have. On rare occasions pragmatics of shelter derive the form and aesthetic outcome, but more often then not, the formation of it's components in building an image are a result of what cultural or social position we hold or value, mixed together with a value in monetary form. The end result? an amazing array of looks and STYLES that can do many things. They can show status, reflect our personalities and demonstrate our cultural beliefs and historical past- and even fast forward us into an imagined future- with a conscious reflection on sustainable responsibility. Sometimes the styles are superficial and skin-deep and other times they run deep through a house spiralling and reaching into the details of it's interiors and functions.
Sometimes non of the above are even considered. We end up living where we do for simple and banal reasons- maybe it's just where we were born and raised. The place we call home because we just happened to be there. How does that shape where we will live and desire to reside.
As children we find ourselves in a home of some sort- it can shape our lifestyle in many ways and provide an outlook on the world and the way the world looks back upon them. It can reflect upon our decisions to what we will want or desire in our future.
It's style can celebrate an era and tell an elaborate story of lives and times gone by. Did it represent glory and status or was it social and one of many repeated and replicated, as if stamped out of a tired and lifeless cookie cutter, used one too many times. What outcome did these have on the lives that viewed them externally and from the interior looking out.
In rare outcomes the homes beckoned a future and could represent a lifestyle we could desire- with thoughts our lives could be altered by degrees of happiness and satisfaction.
Styles can also evoke emotions, which in my opinion is where they have true strength. They can say much about the personality's of the people with whom reside within. They can say that we respect the past and the lifestyles that accompany it. Or they can say that we look to the future- one that can reflect the lifestyles of today. They can describe where we live, local, geographical, national- or they can tell to others we desire to be international or foreign in our sentimentality in our abode.
In the worst of cases none of the above will have the chance to be an option or even be considered- it just happened for reasons as to just be functional and provide an outcome of shelter. It's a shame in these circumstances as I believe a house and it's STYLE can represents the many facets of people, communities and nations- all without people really knowing that it does and can.
How important is STYLE in a house? If you've taken the time to read the post please contribute to the conversation in the comments section below.